Category Archives: Forms of authority in social context

Transmission des textes en islam

Transmission   des   textes   en   islam   dans   le   Moyen   Orient
pré-ottoman. Concepts et dérives     [DYNTRAN Working Paper,
no. 32,  2018]

Jacqueline Sublet et Asma Hilali


Les quinze premiers siècles de l’islam voient la transmission des textes évoluer du cercle savant à la madrasa. Il s’agit d’abord de transmettre le Coran, le hadith ainsi que des récits exemplaires des premiers siècles de l’islam et de la période préislamique. Au IVe/Xe Continue reading Transmission des textes en islam

Families of civil administrators in Safavid Iran

Long-term career strategies of the Khwājas of Barnābād (Khorasan, ca. 15th-18th c.)* [DYNTRAN Working Paper, no. 30, November 2017]

by Maria SZUPPE

Under the Safavid dynasty in Iran (1501-1722 or 1736 CE) provincial administration was frequently entrusted into the hands of local, influential families that were firmly and securely established in their regions of origin. Continue reading Families of civil administrators in Safavid Iran

Local Aristocrats in a Time of Critical Dynastic Change

Two Notable Families of Tabriz Facing the New Ṣafavid Order [DYNTRAN Working Paper 26, July 2017]


The Ṣafavid conquest of Tabriz in 906/1501 marks a watershed in the history of Iran and the Islamic Middle East. By taking control of the city the young Ismāʿīl earned the right to proclaim himself king of Iran. In this capacity he also declared Imami Shiism to be the Continue reading Local Aristocrats in a Time of Critical Dynastic Change

Deux familles de l’Ancien Régime

Les héritiers de fonctionnaires civils au Caire au XVIe siècle   [DYNTRAN WORKING PAPER 18, November 2016]

by Nicolas MICHEL

La représentation de soi de la bonne société cairote, XVe -XVIe s.

Durant toute l’époque mamelouke, la production narrative fut intense, prenant deux formes principales : des chroniques souvent extraordinairement détaillées, et des dictionnaires biographiques qui couvraient soit des catégories spécifiques de la population, soit Continue reading Deux familles de l’Ancien Régime

Poetry and Families

Preliminary reflections on the Divan of Muhammad Kujuji (788/1386)      [DYNTRAN WORKING PAPER 16, September 2016]

By Christoph WERNER

Placing poetry and families side by side evokes the idea of kin groups of writers, poets and literary artists whether brothers, sisters or other close relatives: in modern European literature the Brontë sisters or the Mann family easily come to mind. With regard to Continue reading Poetry and Families