Category Archives: Strategies of transmission

The Role of Copyists in the Transmission of Manuscripts

A Case Study on Šaraf Xān Bidlīsī’s Šarafnāma (1005-1314/1597-1897)      [DYNTRAN WORKING PAPER 23, April 2017]


The Šarafnāma is a well-known history of Kurdish dynasties and ruling houses, written in Persian in 1005-7/1596-99 by Amīr Šaraf Xān Bidlīsī (949-1009/1543-1600), leader of the Rōjikī tribe and prince of Bidlīs, southwest of Lake Van, in northern Kurdistan. It Continue reading The Role of Copyists in the Transmission of Manuscripts

Looking for Credit in 18th Century Damascus

A Case from the Court Records [DYNTRAN WORKING PAPER 22, March 2017]

by Astrid MEIER

What to do if you do not have enough money to hand? Today, many might use a credit card or overdraw their bank account if they could. In this blog, I will present a court case from 18th century Damascus that provides glimpses into the world of a woman who struggled to Continue reading Looking for Credit in 18th Century Damascus

Transmission of Polemics in Safavid Iran

A Case of Transmission of Knowledge       [DYNTRAN WORKING PAPER 20, January 2017]


In the seventeenth century a cycle of religious polemics took place, which involved the two main courts of the Persian speaking world (namely the Mughal and the Safavid) and the Church of Rome. In this contribution I will briefly lay out the background surrounding these Continue reading Transmission of Polemics in Safavid Iran

A Family of Calligraphers in Turkmen Architecture

The case of Kamâl al-din b. Shihâb al-Kâteb al-Yazdi*           [DYNTRAN WORKING PAPER 15, August 2016]

By Sandra AUBE

Signatures of craftsmen are very limited in Medieval Iranian architecture. About twenty emerged from Qarâ Qoyunlu (782-873/1380-1468) and Âq Qoyunlu (780-914/1378-1508) architecture; most of them are related to calligraphers (see Continue reading A Family of Calligraphers in Turkmen Architecture

De maître à élève

Nouvelle source concernant les biographies de calligraphes de l’Inde musulmane. Le Ms n° 2432 de Rampur. [DYNTRAN WORKING PAPER 13, June 2016]

par Francis RICHARD

Dans l’ensemble du monde iranien, il est très important pour les calligraphes de se rattacher à des lignées à l’origine desquelles se trouve un maître reconnu. L’apprentissage de l’art de la belle écriture (ḫatt-i ḫuš ou ḫušnivīsī) se fait auprès d’un calligraphe qui en Continue reading De maître à élève