Category Archives: Strategies of transmission

Transmission of Architectural Models in Iran

A note on the “Topkapi Scroll” in Qarâ Qoyunlu and Âq Qoyunlu Ceramic Tile Panels [DYNTRAN WORKING PAPER 12, May 2016]

by Sandra AUBE (Mapping by Emmanuel GIRAUDET)

Iranian monuments from Qarâ Qoyunlu (782-873/1380-1468) and Âq Qoyunlu (780-914/1378-1508) dynasties are still covered with fine and intricate ceramic tile panels (Aube 2016 [A]). Architectural drawings were used to determine a compositional pattern. Such Continue reading Transmission of Architectural Models in Iran

Émigrés persans dans l’Empire moghol

Les colophons d’un traité de médecine copié pendant une navigation sur l’Indus [DYNTRAN WORKING PAPER 10, March 2016]

by Francis RICHARD (Mapping by Emmanuel GIRAUDET)

La copie très soignée du traité Khulāṣat al-tajārib qui est aujourd’hui cotée Supplément persan 1156 [SP 1156] à la Bibliothèque nationale de France [BnF] fut acquise par la B.N. le 21 juin 1893 en même temps qu’une vingtaine d’autres manuscrits persans de sciences et Continue reading Émigrés persans dans l’Empire moghol

Šarafnāma and Rūjikī rulers of Bidlīs

The Šarafnāma and the Rūjikī rulers of Bidlīs in the 11th/17th century [DYNTRAN WORKING PAPER 8, January 2016]


The Šarafnāma is a well-known history of Kurdish dynasties and ruling houses, written in Persian in 1005-7/1596-99 by Amīr Šaraf Xān Bidlīsī (949/1543-about 1009/1601), leader of the Rūjikī tribe and prince of Bidlīs in northern Kurdistan. The historical account Continue reading Šarafnāma and Rūjikī rulers of Bidlīs

An Âmoli Architectural Style?

Architect signature and architectural transmissions in 15th century tomb-towers of Mâzanderân (Iran) [DYNTRAN WORKING PAPER 3, August 2015]

by Sandra AUBE

Throughout the 15th century, the Iranian history of architecture appears to be mainly an anonymous history. Most of the architects of the famous tomb-towers from Mâzanderân during the Mar‘ashi period (760/1358-1359 – second half of the 16th c.) remain Continue reading An Âmoli Architectural Style?