Tag Archives: Cairo

How to marry right

Searching for a royal spouse at the Mamluk court of Cairo in the fifteenth century [DYNTRAN WORKING PAPER 21, February 2017]

by Albrecht FUESS

“Whoever does not marry an Egyptian woman, says Imam al-Shafi‘i, will never obtain the full wisdom” (Abdar-Raziq 1973, 123). This saying introduces the topic of the current paper well as choosing a spouse will always have direct consequences, in this case it is meant Continue reading How to marry right

Deux familles de l’Ancien Régime

Les héritiers de fonctionnaires civils au Caire au XVIe siècle   [DYNTRAN WORKING PAPER 18, November 2016]

by Nicolas MICHEL

La représentation de soi de la bonne société cairote, XVe -XVIe s.

Durant toute l’époque mamelouke, la production narrative fut intense, prenant deux formes principales : des chroniques souvent extraordinairement détaillées, et des dictionnaires biographiques qui couvraient soit des catégories spécifiques de la population, soit Continue reading Deux familles de l’Ancien Régime

Understanding Merchants in Ottoman Cairo: A Review

[DYNTRAN WORKING PAPER 17, October 2016]

by Anthony T. QUICKEL

A growing body of scholarship on Ottoman Cairo has given better insight into the life and work of the city’s merchants. This corpus provides a scope of studies from micro-histories of some of Cairo’s individual merchants and their dealings and interactions with others Continue reading Understanding Merchants in Ottoman Cairo: A Review

Building a Family Shrine in Ottoman Cairo

Five Waqf Endowments by Fāḍila daughter of Shaykh Muḥammad al-Bakrī, 1619-1629 [DYNTRAN WORKING PAPER 11, April 2016]

by Adam SABRA

The construction of a family tomb that may also function as a shrine is critical moment in the construction of a dynasty. Although this phenomenon is most closely associated with Sufism, ruling families also built family tombs, usually as part of larger waqf complexes. Continue reading Building a Family Shrine in Ottoman Cairo