Tag Archives: Damascus

Transmission des textes en islam

Transmission   des   textes   en   islam   dans   le   Moyen   Orient
pré-ottoman. Concepts et dérives     [DYNTRAN Working Paper,
no. 32,  2018]

Jacqueline Sublet et Asma Hilali


Les quinze premiers siècles de l’islam voient la transmission des textes évoluer du cercle savant à la madrasa. Il s’agit d’abord de transmettre le Coran, le hadith ainsi que des récits exemplaires des premiers siècles de l’islam et de la période préislamique. Au IVe/Xe Continue reading Transmission des textes en islam

Binge Reading in Fifteenth-Century Damascus

Binge Reading in Fifteenth-Century Damascus [DYNTRAN Working Paper, no. 27, August 2017]


At the end of the ninth/fifteenth century, in the year 897/1492, a Damascene scholar sat down in his garden to read through his considerable library. He neither did so silently nor alone, rather he read the books aloud with members of his family. Over the course of Continue reading Binge Reading in Fifteenth-Century Damascus

Looking for Credit in 18th Century Damascus

A Case from the Court Records [DYNTRAN WORKING PAPER 22, March 2017]

by Astrid MEIER

What to do if you do not have enough money to hand? Today, many might use a credit card or overdraw their bank account if they could. In this blog, I will present a court case from 18th century Damascus that provides glimpses into the world of a woman who struggled to Continue reading Looking for Credit in 18th Century Damascus

The Banu Qadi ‘Ajlun: Family or Dynasty?

[DYNTRAN WORKING PAPER 19, December 2016]

by Torsten WOLLINA

In this contribution, I will present two additions to the conceptualization of ‘family’ in the context of premodern Islamicate societies. Firstly, I propose that we should understand ‘family’ as a symbolic resource in knowledge transmission, which could have as Continue reading The Banu Qadi ‘Ajlun: Family or Dynasty?