Tag Archives: Transmission

The Role of Copyists in the Transmission of Manuscripts

A Case Study on Šaraf Xān Bidlīsī’s Šarafnāma (1005-1314/1597-1897)      [DYNTRAN WORKING PAPER 23, April 2017]


The Šarafnāma is a well-known history of Kurdish dynasties and ruling houses, written in Persian in 1005-7/1596-99 by Amīr Šaraf Xān Bidlīsī (949-1009/1543-1600), leader of the Rōjikī tribe and prince of Bidlīs, southwest of Lake Van, in northern Kurdistan. It Continue reading The Role of Copyists in the Transmission of Manuscripts

Looking for Credit in 18th Century Damascus

A Case from the Court Records [DYNTRAN WORKING PAPER 22, March 2017]

by Astrid MEIER

What to do if you do not have enough money to hand? Today, many might use a credit card or overdraw their bank account if they could. In this blog, I will present a court case from 18th century Damascus that provides glimpses into the world of a woman who struggled to Continue reading Looking for Credit in 18th Century Damascus

How to marry right

Searching for a royal spouse at the Mamluk court of Cairo in the fifteenth century [DYNTRAN WORKING PAPER 21, February 2017]

by Albrecht FUESS

“Whoever does not marry an Egyptian woman, says Imam al-Shafi‘i, will never obtain the full wisdom” (Abdar-Raziq 1973, 123). This saying introduces the topic of the current paper well as choosing a spouse will always have direct consequences, in this case it is meant Continue reading How to marry right

The Banu Qadi ‘Ajlun: Family or Dynasty?

[DYNTRAN WORKING PAPER 19, December 2016]

by Torsten WOLLINA

In this contribution, I will present two additions to the conceptualization of ‘family’ in the context of premodern Islamicate societies. Firstly, I propose that we should understand ‘family’ as a symbolic resource in knowledge transmission, which could have as Continue reading The Banu Qadi ‘Ajlun: Family or Dynasty?

Deux familles de l’Ancien Régime

Les héritiers de fonctionnaires civils au Caire au XVIe siècle   [DYNTRAN WORKING PAPER 18, November 2016]

by Nicolas MICHEL

La représentation de soi de la bonne société cairote, XVe -XVIe s.

Durant toute l’époque mamelouke, la production narrative fut intense, prenant deux formes principales : des chroniques souvent extraordinairement détaillées, et des dictionnaires biographiques qui couvraient soit des catégories spécifiques de la population, soit Continue reading Deux familles de l’Ancien Régime