Tag Archives: waqf

Mausoleums in Safavid Family History

An Unpublished Royal Edict from the Ardabil Shrine (912/1507) [DYNTRAN WORKING PAPER 28, September 2017]

by Naofumi ABE

The presence of family mausoleums is a common phenomenon in Muslim-majority regions of Western and Central Asia, Northern Africa, and the Indian Subcontinent. Modern research on Muslim mausoleums has been mainly linked to scholarly interest Continue reading Mausoleums in Safavid Family History

Looking for Credit in 18th Century Damascus

A Case from the Court Records [DYNTRAN WORKING PAPER 22, March 2017]

by Astrid MEIER

What to do if you do not have enough money to hand? Today, many might use a credit card or overdraw their bank account if they could. In this blog, I will present a court case from 18th century Damascus that provides glimpses into the world of a woman who struggled to Continue reading Looking for Credit in 18th Century Damascus

Building a Family Shrine in Ottoman Cairo

Five Waqf Endowments by Fāḍila daughter of Shaykh Muḥammad al-Bakrī, 1619-1629 [DYNTRAN WORKING PAPER 11, April 2016]

by Adam SABRA

The construction of a family tomb that may also function as a shrine is critical moment in the construction of a dynasty. Although this phenomenon is most closely associated with Sufism, ruling families also built family tombs, usually as part of larger waqf complexes. Continue reading Building a Family Shrine in Ottoman Cairo